ObesityWeek® registration comes with welcome reception November 3, coffee breaks November 4-5, closing reception November 5, Exhibit and Poster Hall, in-person sessions, as well as networking, consultation and social events. (Meals not provided.)

ObesityWeek® Registration
Early-Bird (By Aug 5)
Standard (By Sept 30)
Late/On-Site (After Sept 30)
MEMBER RATES – Join while registering to save!
TOS Regular Member $600 $650 $725
TOS Post-Graduate Trainee Member (Individuals who are actively involved in a post-graduate training program-e.g. postdoctoral fellows, medical residents, and clinicians-in-training) $250 $300 $350
TOS Student Member and Emeritus Members $200 $250 $300
Regular Non-Member $875 $925 $975
Post-Graduate Trainee Non-member (Individuals who are actively involved in a post-graduate training program-e.g. postdoctoral fellows, medical residents, and clinicians-in-training) $400 $450 $500
Student Non-Member $200 $250 $300